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  Italien Restaurant

"La Bella Napoli"


La Bella Napoli-DieBeliebteste Taverne von Laganas im Test

This restaurant disposes of a very good Italian cuisine and a very attentive staff. A person who wants to enjoy a nice Italian meal should not miss to visit this restaurant. The best time for a visit is at the beginning of your stay, so it will not be too late for a second or third visit. It will be easy for you to find this restaurant, just pass through "Lithakia" and turn right at "Pantokrator" in the direction of "Laganas" (signpost), on your right handside, just before the main street of "Laganas" you will find the restaurant "La Bella Napoli" (map).

The restaurant is situated in "Laganas", but also "Laganas" has its charms and it is the tourism center of Zakynthos. What would Zakynthos be without "Laganas"? Therefore our advice: Enjoy the night life of "Laganas" once and let your day end with a visit in this very good restaurant.

 You should stay in Marathia - but you can dine in Laganas.

Taverne "Votsalo" Taverne "To Posto" Taverne "Pathari" Taverna "Pitsolos"

Village "Laganas":
 new Taverne  "Blue Sea" 

Our guestbook for your feelings - DieBeliebtesten-Keri-Marathia

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